Therapy in challenging times
How are you feeling today? There are days when you might be feeling sad or upset or distressed. There could be various reasons for you to feeling like that. You do not have to be harsh on yourself. Ask yourself the question, what is it? This is because questioning is the first step toward healing. Do you notice difficult life transition? This could be movement from unmarried to married life. Or school to college to job. The transition can be any but it brings along lot of stress. There could be distress because of problems related to family or spouse or siblings. There might be past scar that has never been touched but has come forward now and it is haunting you. Do not ignore it. But face it.
But you are not alone. There is support and guidance that can help you in facing these issues. Welcome to therapy. You can find therapist who can provide that support in facing the issues. They allow a nurturing relationship where you are heard and you are free to speak. Generally there is free association which can guide in finding your true self. No matter how much far you are from yourself. You can always gain insight from therapy. What therapy brings in your life. That is an important question. The role of therapist is to be non-judgemental and listen to you and guide you. But the power remains within you. There are various kind of therapist for different problems. There is individual therapy which is client centred therapy. There are other types of therapy in which there is focus of group or couples. Whatever suits you in terms of your temperament; you may go ahead and choose it for yourself.
Client centred Therapy
In this mode of therapy there will be focus on individual problems. This plan is enriching experience for individual who is looking personal attention. It is handy on financial terms as well. This is because most of the therapists ask for little fees in . This is the most popular mode of therapy and people undergo lifelong therapy to make changes in their personality and just to live a fulfilling life. No matter where you are you will have one session every week. The frequency can be increased depending upon the intensity of the work. If you are away, then you can set your therapy over the Skype. It is wonderful time to engage with social platform and also builds your social media skills. It helps you in becoming better social networker. There is shyness when we see ourselves in the web camera. This shyness is because of the difference in body image and self image.
Group therapy
As the name suggest, this therapy is this for those who struggling in a group or in class. Couples also take this therapy to alleviate their problems. You can find many therapists depending on where you live whether is east, west or north and south. You have option to choose a fresher or experienced. Fresher is one who has recently finished his education and now in the market. Experienced will charge you more but there is chance of stability. There are people who have taken lifelong therapy. Wolf man the famous patient of Freud took lifelong therapy and is very famous person now. Not only because he took therapy but because he did lifelong work. It was very intensive and it helped him see the world in a way he can really appreciate. Sometimes that is purpose of our life.