Choosing effective and safe diet pills
Obesity in our time is an epidemic on a global scale, faced by millions of people on our planet. In our country, about 30% of the working population suffers from obesity, another 25% are overweight. Women are twice as likely to be obese as men. Obesity is not only an aesthetic problem. Overweight patients are at an increased risk of developing dangerous diseases such as hypertension, angina pectoris, coronary heart disease, heart attack, and stroke. If diet and lifestyle changes do not allow you to normalize weight, and your BMI is more than 30, your doctor may recommend medication for obesity with special drugs. Best fat burner for men over 60 are available in the market and even online all you need is just go to the website and place an order.
Reasons for being overweight
When choosing real diet pills, you should not rely on the reviews of people on the network and the recommendations of friends, since the reasons for being overweight in your particular case may differ significantly from the rest. Obesity occurs against the background of an imbalance between the intake of food energy and its consumption. Excess calories that are not consumed by the body are converted into fat deposits that accumulate in different parts of the body. If you do not improve nutrition and increase energy consumption, fat reserves will gradually increase, which will lead to disruptions in the work of many organs and systems.
Common causes of being overweight:
- hypodynamia;
- metabolic disease;
- excess in the diet of carbohydrate, and fatty foods;
- hormonal and endocrine disorders;
- stress, depression, lack of sleep;
- psychogenic overeating.
Even the safest diet pills have contraindications and side effects. Therefore, you should not buy advertised products so as not to risk your health. First of all, seek the advice of a doctor: first, a therapist who, having studied your medical history, lifestyle, eating habits and medical history, and then will give a referral to the necessary specialist. It can be a nutritionist, endocrinologist, psychologist, etc. And only after the specialist finds out the causes of your problem and assesses the general condition, he will select diets, physical activity and the most suitable drugs, if they cannot be dispensed with.