mitral stenosis

Can Supplements Prevent Heart Disease?


Complete and proper nutrition is very much important for the body in order to ensure overall well-being in all respects. The essential nutrients required by the body are obtained by human beings from various types of food products that they consume. At the same time, it is also true that some people are unable to absorb the nutrients contained in the foods due to some problems with their internal body mechanisms. In such cases, supplements are prescribed by the healthcare experts so that good health and protection against certain diseases may be ensured in such individuals. Like other types of health issues, supplements are sometimes prescribed in case of heart diseases too. Many people are curious to know if supplements actually help in the prevention of heart diseases. Let us try to get an answer to this question. 

Certain Supplements Are Helpful

Out of the long list of supplements being prescribed by the healthcare experts, some supplements including omega-3 fatty acid, coenzyme Q10 etc. are known to offer protection against certain heart diseases such as mitral stenosis, heart attack and other types of heart disorders. 

Need To Take Supplements In Moderation

Total dependence on supplements is not enough to prevent different types of heart diseases completely. In fact, you just need to take supplements in moderation along with other medicines or other diets prescribed by your healthcare expert in order to stay away from heart diseases. 

Be Attentive About Your Diet

Obviously, you need to be attentive about your diet too if you really wish to protect your heart against the attack of numerous diseases or disorders. You need to eliminate oily, greasy, fatty and processed foods from your diet as all these are major culprits that lead to numerous heart diseases. 

mitral stenosis

Staying Active Is Equally Important

Apart from taking supplements, you also need to stay active. Heart health is directly proportional to how active you are in your day to day life. Thus you need to be physically active so that chances of occurrence of heart diseases may be ruled out. 

Need To Control Other Risk Factors Too

To make sure that your heart stays healthy and safe against mitral stenosis or other types of heart disorders, you need to control other risk factors too. The use of supplements may help you to some extent however complete dependence on them is not at all suggestible. You need to be aware of various risk factors and make efforts to control the same. 


After reading all this, it is quite clear that supplements may prevent heart diseases only to some extent. There are number of other things or points that also require your attention so that you may keep enjoying good heart health in all respects.

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