How to get Dianabol delivered to the UK addressed?
Even when you don’t find companies produce Dianabol in the UK, it is the most commonly produced and bought steroid in the world. There are many sources that sell you the right Dianabol drugs, but you need to know if they are going to safely ship to your doorstep.
If you are looking to order Dianabol online to U.K. addresses you might like to check out the pharmacies we have listed below. These will help you avoid fake products, but you might need a physician to help you out.
- Alpha Pharma
Alpha Pharma gives you 10 mg of Methandienone and sold through the name Alphabol. The product is packaged in foil and comes in 5 strips with 10 tablets each. These are produced and marketed from Mumbai, India.
- Atlas Pharma
They are located in Stockholm and sell oral Dbol tablets of 10 mg and in the packs of 100 pills. The company primarily focuses on hormonal treatment and has a huge range of synthetic hormone like HGH.
- Balkan Pharmaceuticals
This product is sold by Eastern European and they have pink 10 mg tablets of Methandrostenolone. These are distributed in foil and come in a 60 pill pack. Russia and Ukraine help them distribute the drugs in other parts of the world.
- British Dispensary
British Dispensary sells the drug with the name Anabol and has 5 mg, 10 mg, and 15 mg of these drugs. The company is based in Thailand and is often a common choice for legitimacy.
- CrazyBulk
CrazyBulk sells legal alternatives of all steroids types. If you look for Dianabol, you will get their alternative, which gives similar effects but are not really steroids. These don’t harm you like the original ones would.
- Meditech
Meditech is one of the common brands that sell Dianabol pills online. You get 100 pills in one bottle and they are of 10 mg each. You have to check for a stamp on the bottle to make sure that it is an authentic one. The drug is commonly supplied from India and charge around £40 – £60.
- Central Poly Trading
You need to look out for the Melic P tablets to get Dianabol from Central Poly Trading. These come in 5 mg strength and are usually sold in bulk – 1000 tablets at once.
- La Pharma
La Pharma distributes well-rated Methandienone. They sell 100 pills of 10 mg and are pink in color. These are shipped from Thailand and meets international standards for quality.
- March Pharmaceuticals
This is another product from Thailand. They sell Danabol DS of 10 mg and these are distributed by Body Research Co. They have 500 pills in one bottle and are in the shape of a blue heart.
- Maxpro
This company sells injection form of Dianabol and they have to be induced intramuscularly. The drug comes in 10 ml vials at 100 mg strength and prevents liver damage.
- Akrikhin
Russian’s steroids are pretty hyped up, and so is this form of Dianabol named Methandrostenolone. These come in 5 mg pills and they are round and white with the name written in blue. There are 100 pills sold in 10 strips per order.
These were some of the websites that will help you get you to order Dianabol online to U.K. addresses. Choose your pick and be alert about legalities.