Root Canal: Diagnosis & Treatment
Sometimes bacteria can enter the pulp of a tooth and cause an infection. In such cases, root canal therapy is the most successful and practical solution that can solve your issue effectively and preserve the health of your damaged tooth. As an experienced dentist in Toronto, this treatment is a cutting-edge approach to addressing deep decay and other tooth damage. During this important treatment, your professionally-trained dentists will use high-tech tools to remove the infected pulp, seal the affected site to prevent reinfection, and finally fill the space with special fillings. Some helpful information is provided in this article for those who are recommended to undergo root canal therapy.
The Different Types of Dental Issues that Require Root Canal Therapy
Generally, root canal therapy is the only practical procedure when bacteria invade the pulp inside your tooth. This severe condition usually happens when you leave a dental cavity untreated for a long time. The essential symptoms that indicate you need root canal therapy include:
-Continued Dental Pain That Is So Unbearable: As everyone knows, a wide range of dental issues can cause pain. But according to professional dental experts having pain deep in your tooth can be an alarming sign of root canal therapy requirement. It should be noted that in some cases, this severe pain can also radiate to your jaw, face, and other teeth.
-Dental Sensitivity to hot & Cold Temperatures: Patients whose teeth hurt when they have hot or cold beverages and food are more likely to need root canal therapy to get rid of their pain. Especially when their pain continues for more than a few seconds.
-Swollen Gum: It is an important sign of an infected tooth because pus that is collected around the infected tooth can lead to swollen gum. A dedicated dentist will perform root canal therapy to remove the infected site and preserve your oral health.
-Dental Discoloration: Sometimes, when the pulp of your teeth becomes infected, your tooth may look darker due to a lack of enough blood supply to the teeth.
-Experiencing Pain & Discomfort When Pressure Is Applied: Those who have pain when they eat or touch their teeth may need root canal therapy because surely the nerves around the pulp of their teeth are injured.
Preparation Before Undergoing Root Canal therapy
Your professional health care provider is the best one that can answer all your questions before beginning your treatment. Here are some important things you can do to prepare yourself for this procedure.
Take All Your Prescribed Medication: Taking antibiotics or anti-inflammatory medication a few days before your treatment is necessary, especially when your dedicated dentists diagnose that there’s a lot of infection.
-Give Up Smoking: The most important point that should be noted is that smoking interferes with your body’s healing ability. You should avoid smoking at least several days before your treatment and stop it altogether if you can.
-Have A Healthy Meal before Your Root Canal Appointment: Since root canal therapy is performed under local anesthesia, having a healthy meal before the procedure is recommended because your mouth will be numbed for a few hours once the procedure is completed.