Is Root Canal Therapy A Dental Surgery?
Most people do not visit the dental clinics when they should get a root canal treatment. They are afraid. And unbelievably, some of them prefer to ignore their dental issue and have pain just due to feeling afraid of this dental procedure. It is undeniable that root canal therapy is a kind of dental surgery. But it is no need to feel afraid. The process is not as painful as you expect. According to a professional dentist working at a dental clinic for York University, there are various kinds of root canal treatment, and they can be minor to severe. When a minor treatment is needed, even a general dentist can do that. But, in case the situation is too complicated, a dedicated dental expert should do that. Today, in this article, we explain this dental process and all the needed information.
Why Is This Dental Treatment Needed?
As the name replies, this dental treatment is related to your tooth’ root. When a tooth is infected, it should be treated as soon as possible. The Sooner you treat this problem, the faster and easier treatment you will get. But in case you ignore your dental issue, it progresses, and the situation gets worse and worse. Believe it or not, you may even lose your tooth if you neglect to treat it on time. The root canal treatment process is done to stop infection in your tooth, save other teeth, and protect your oral status. Depending on the severity of the damage, the dentist applies the process to your teeth. And if the tooth is completely damaged, after root canal treatment, other cosmetic dental treatments such as a dental crown or dental bridges may be applied to bring back the appearance of your tooth along with your function.
You Shouldn’t Feel Afraid
As mentioned in the first paragraph, there is no need to feel afraid and postpone your treatment. When it comes to this dental procedure, special and advanced dentistry tools will be used to help the dentist perform the process as comfortably as possible. One of the dentistry tools that helps the dentist in this regard is anesthesia. It is utilized to provide painless treatment for the patient. There is general anesthesia and local anesthesia. The local one will just numb the area where the dental process is going to be done on it. And general anesthesia is the one that will make you sleep completely during the process. Usually, for root canal treatment, local anesthesia is used. So, during the process, you will not feel any pain. And even if you are too afraid and stressed, the dental specialist may suggest you get sedation dentistry. This is a helpful way to help you feel completely relaxed during the process.
Another helpful way to get rid of stress is to find a dedicated and experienced dental specialist who has done a lot of successful root canal therapies. These dentists are called endodontists. They know what to do and how to handle the process successfully.