The Evolution of Root Canal Dental Clinic Singapore
Root Canal Dentistry is a highly specialized area of dentistry dealing with treating the dental pulp and surrounding tissues. This type of treatment aims to retain and restore the function, health, and integrity of the compromised tooth. Patients usually come to root canal treatment when they have severe pain in one or a few teeth for quite some time.
What is a root canal treatment?
A root canal treatment is needed when the blood or nerve supply of the tooth is infected through decay or injury. You will need a root canal treatment at a root canal dental clinic singapore if the pulp becomes infected. The infection will spread through the root canal system of the tooth. This may eventually lead to an abscess.
An abscess is an inflamed area in which pus collects and can cause damage to the surrounding tissue. It can also cause pain and swelling. An abscess at the end of a tooth is called a periapical abscess. An abscess in the gums is called a periodontal abscess.
Sometimes an abscess may form without causing any pain. A root canal treatment involves removing the infected pulp, cleaning and shaping the inside of the tooth, and then filling and sealing it.
Tooth extraction is considered an option for adults but not children because their roots are not fully developed yet. Their permanent teeth are essential for the growth of jaws, speech development, chewing function, appearance, and preservation of space for the eruption of permanent teeth.
Anesthesia options for root canal dental clinic
If you are facing a root canal, root canal dental clinic Singapore wants to make sure you are informed about the different options for anesthesia because what is best for one person may not be best for another.
The first option for anesthesia is local. A local anesthetic is a drug that numbs a specific part of the body. It is injected into the area around the nerves that carry sensations from your teeth and jaw. A local anesthetic will block pain signals from these nerves so that you do not feel any pain from the dental work. Local anesthesia is usually administered with a syringe and an ultra-thin needle.
The second option for anesthesia is nitrous oxide, also known as laughing gas. Nitrous oxide has been used in dentistry since 1844 to help calm anxious patients and reduce discomfort during procedures. If you choose nitrous oxide as your anesthetic, our dentist will place a small mask over your nose, which will allow you to breathe in the gas while your root canal procedure takes place.