CBD and Pain Relief
CBD (Cannabidiol) has recently been used by people who suffer from chronic pain. It’s a great alternative to prescription pain medication because it’s non-addictive and natural. While a High-Quality CBD Cream for pain is still relatively new to the market, there are many success stories of people who have benefited from this treatment for their pain.
What is CBD?
CBD is one of many compounds in the cannabis plant and often referred to as one of the main ingredients that make marijuana effective for treating cancer, glaucoma, Parkinson’s disease and other illnesses or ailments. Unlike THC, CBD does not produce any psychoactive effects such as getting high or feeling lightheaded when it enters your system.
There are many different products available when it comes to using CBD for relief from chronic pain. While topical creams, tinctures and oils are very effective in pain relief, perhaps the easiest way for you to get relief is by using a CBD cream.
How does CBD work?
The compounds of CBD work by attaching themselves onto cannabinoid receptors that are located throughout the body. The human body has two main kinds of receptors, CB1 and CB2. CB1 receptors are mostly found in the brain and nervous system while CB2 receptors are generally found in the immune system. The cannabinoids from the marijuana plant and most notably THC attaches itself onto these receptors too but has different effects than those caused by CBD.
How CBD works – How CBD can help you
With tension often being a factor for those who suffer from pain, the body releases endocannabinoids during times of stress. Endocannabinoids are compounds that bind to cannabinoid receptors and help regulate your brain, heart and immune system. High levels of endocannabinoids can cause anxiety and even depression but also have many positive effects on your body.
CBD has been shown to increase the availability of endocannabinoids within the body which in turn helps to decrease inflammation, increase pain tolerance and reduce stress levels. This is why many people have benefitted from using this treatment for chronic pain.
How to apply CBD
The most popular way of using CBD for pain is through the use of creams, lotions, oils and tinctures. There are many different companies that make high quality products that include various cannabinoids such as THC and CBD. What is most important when it comes to buying top quality products is making sure that they are organic and made with 100 percent natural ingredients.
While using a topical cream is great for pain relief, it’s important to note that you may have to wait up to 20 minutes before it takes affect. In general, if you apply a little bit of oil or cream at least 4 times a day, you should notice some sort of improvement within 2 weeks and have significant relief in 1 month.